Terms of Service

Effective Date: December 7, 2019

1. Use of Services

Host25Cent Web Hosting Services may only be used for lawful purposes. Any use of our services that violates U.S. laws, international treaties, or contains illegal content will result in immediate suspension or termination of your account.

2. Prohibited Content

The following content is prohibited:

  • Pornography
  • Phishing
  • Bank Debentures
  • Banking botnets
  • Prime Banks Programs
  • Escrow
  • Email Spamming (email limits: 20 per hour per cPanel)
  • Testing environments (storing website projects)
  • Pirated software
  • Hacker programs or archives
  • Hacker-focused sites/archives/programs
  • Warez sites
  • IRC Bots
  • Proxy Scripts
  • Anonymizers
  • Image hosting sites that do not host actual domain/normal website content
  • High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP)
  • Live chat/chat scripts
  • Large file storage/download sites
  • Lottery sites, MUDs, RPGs, hate sites
  • Social networking bots (e.g., Facebook, Instagram)
  • Flash games or online gaming sites
  • Movies, MP3s, file hosting
  • Free domains (e.g., .tk, .ga, .ml, .cf)
  • Sites promoting illegal activities

3. Account Suspension and Termination

Accounts involved in illegal activities will be suspended immediately. Violators may contest the suspension via support tickets but must remove offending content to avoid termination. No refunds will be issued for terminated accounts.

4. Server Abuse

Attempts to harm our servers or customers are strictly prohibited and will result in account cancellation without refund.

5. Refusal of Service

We may refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our discretion.

6. Billing

Invoices are sent monthly. Payment must be made by the due date to avoid immediate termination. We offer recurring billing but do not store credit card data.

7. Refunds

We offer a 3-day money-back guarantee for new account registrations only. This guarantee is effective from the date your payment is received. The guarantee does not apply to:

  • Purchased domains
  • Free domains
  • Returning customers

Beyond the 3-day guarantee, refunds are not provided for annually paid packages to prevent potential exploitation of discounted rates. This policy does not apply to our Shared Hosting "Starter" and "Personal" packages, as their monthly and annual prices are the same.

8. Unlimited Policy

Our "unlimited" packages are not truly unlimited. While we strive to provide ample resources, "unlimited" should be understood as fair use rather than absolute infinity. We offer fair use of resources for hosting purposes. Using our services solely for file storage or non-website-related purposes is not allowed. Our hosting services are intended for website scripts and content only.

9. Cancellation

Submit cancellation requests at least 3 days before renewal. Accounts will be terminated only after all outstanding balances are paid.

10. Limitation of Liability

We are not liable for damages due to server downtime or data loss. Our liability is limited to service termination.

11. Data Backups

We back up data but recommend you also keep your own backups. We are not liable for data loss.

12. Migration Assistance

We assist with cPanel backups but will not handle migrations from non-cPanel providers.

13. Customer Support

Support must be requested via our ticket system or email. We support direct customers only.

14. Violations

Report policy violations to [email protected]. Non-compliance may result in account deactivation.

15. Disclaimer

We are not liable for downtime, crashes, or loss of estimated profits. We use third-party equipment and software and may remove accounts without notice.

16. Account Activation

By activating your account, you agree to these terms. Non-compliance will result in no refunds.

17. Server Uptime Guarantee

We guarantee 99.98% uptime. Planned maintenance will be announced, and downtime during such maintenance will not count against this guarantee.

18. Complaints

Send complaints to [email protected]. We aim to acknowledge within 7 days and resolve within 5 days.

19. Notification of Changes

We may update these terms. Continued use signifies acceptance of changes. Review the terms regularly.

Your use of our services indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions. Your statutory Consumer Rights are unaffected.